논문 검색

항목 내 용
제목 [국문]

Between East and West: Trypillian Culture and Its Place in Civilizational Processes on the Territory of Eastern Europe (6th-3rd millennium B.C.)


Between East and West: Trypillian Culture and Its Place in Civilizational Processes on the Territory of Eastern Europe (6th-3rd millennium B.C.)

저자 Oleksandr Ishchuk
Author Oleksandr Ishchuk
발행년도 2023
초록 The article attempts to analyze the place of the Trypillian culture
(Kukuten-Trypillian cultural community) in historical processes on the territory of
Eastern Europe in the 6th-3rd millennia B.C. It is emphasized that mutual relations be-
tween Western and Eastern civilizations in the specified period played an important role
in the formation of the population that lived in the territory of ancient Ukraine. The possi-
ble influences of various ancient cultures on the formation and activity of the Trypillian
civilization are analyzed. The influence, judging by everything, is felt from various civi-
lizations, both from the West and from the South and the East. On the basis of archaeo-
logical research of recent decades, an attempt has been made to trace the influence of the
Trypillian culture on neighboring civilizations that existed after its decline.
키워드 Kukuten-Trypillian cultural community, Trypillian culture, settlements, proto-cities, buildings, temples, ceramics, tools, agriculture, hunting, fishing, everyday life, construction.
Abstract The article attempts to analyze the place of the Trypillian culture
(Kukuten-Trypillian cultural community) in historical processes on the territory of
Eastern Europe in the 6th-3rd millennia B.C. It is emphasized that mutual relations be-
tween Western and Eastern civilizations in the specified period played an important role
in the formation of the population that lived in the territory of ancient Ukraine. The possi-
ble influences of various ancient cultures on the formation and activity of the Trypillian
civilization are analyzed. The influence, judging by everything, is felt from various civi-
lizations, both from the West and from the South and the East. On the basis of archaeo-
logical research of recent decades, an attempt has been made to trace the influence of the
Trypillian culture on neighboring civilizations that existed after its decline.
Keywords Kukuten-Trypillian cultural community, Trypillian culture, settlements, proto-cities, buildings, temples, ceramics, tools, agriculture, hunting, fishing, everyday life, construction.