제목 [국문] |
日本의 天神祭祀와 『桓檀古記』의 書誌學的 位相硏究(2) ― 『桓檀古記』模作한 『日本書紀』의 實相 比較分析論 |
Subject |
“An actual comparative analysis on Nihonshoki's plagiarizing of Hwandangogi” |
저자 |
홍윤기 |
Author |
Hong, Youn-Ki |
발행년도 |
2016 |
초록 |
日本歷史冊 『日本書紀』(720) [神代]에는 韓民族 古代史 『桓檀古記』의 天孫
降臨 等 우리 民族의 足跡이 고스란히 담겨있다. 그와 같은 韓日古代史의 共通性을
本格的으로 밝히기 始作한 것이 江戶時代의 著名한 考證學者 藤貞幹(1732~1797)
이었다. 그는 渡來人들이 韓半島로부터 日本에 건너와서 未開한 日本先住民들에게
祖上神 祭祀文化와 稲作, 즉 벼농사文化를 가르쳐주게 되었다는 事實을 考證 論述한
것이 그의 名著 「衝口發」(1781)이다. 또한 近世에 와서는 東京帝大 史學科 久米邦武
敎授도 韓日同族說을 내세우면서, 韓日 相互間의 祖上神 祭祀文化에다 그 바탕을 둔
刮目할 만한 硏究로서 日本의 神道軍國主義 政權으로부터 迫害를 당하였다. 더욱 重
大한 事實은 日本古代史 歷史冊을 쓴 것이 韓半島로부터 日本으로 渡來한 學者들이었
다는 것을 日本의 權威 史學者들이 多樣하게 立證해주고 있다. |
키워드 |
『桓檀古記』, 天孫降臨, 蘇塗 天神祭祀, 那般과 阿曼, 龜旨蜂, 『七回祭神曆』, |
Abstract |
Astonishingly, historical descriptions from Nihonshoki(日本書紀, 720) on the
mythical era of Japan shows us they were plagiarizing some historical material from the
mythical era of the Korean race. Descriptions on the descendants of the gods of the heaven
coming down to the ground from the sky show much resemblance to those on the Korean
ancient historical work of 『Hwandangogi (桓檀古記)』. So we can infer from it the Korean
myth of heavenly race descending to the ground (天孫降臨) has been transplanted. Is it
true? Quite a few of renowned Japanese historians have proven it.
For example, in Shokohatsu(衝口發, 1781), a master work from Teikan To (1732~1797,
an eminent documental archaeologist from the Edo era [1603- 1868 CE]), Teikan To
plainly points out some notions commonly noticed in ancient history of both Korea and
Japan. Among others, according to him the Korean race has taught the Japanese for the
first time how to produce rice from paddy fields. Then the Japanese people read a
primitive life not knowing how to produce rice. The Korean race also exported the art of
smithery to then underdeveloped Japanese people enabling them to make farming gears
from iron. Further, they got to teach the Japanese the ritual culture of worshiping
ancestors god. Meanwhile the Korean immigrants and the ancient Japanese community
continually mated with each other and their genetic traits were gradually mixed.
Prof. Kunitake Kume (1839~1931, Dept. of Historical Science, Tokyo Imperial
University), a renowned historian from the modern age, outrightly disclosed his theory
on common ancestral origin of the Korean and Japanese races in his works and papers
incl. 『The history of Ancient Japan (日本古代史)』(1907). The past imperialist regime of
Japan got furious at this and kicked Prof. Kunitake Kume out of his post at the faculty of
the Tokyo Imperial University. Besides, many historians of authority in Japan are of the
opinion that the genuine authors of lots of historical works on ancient Japan incl. the
Nihonshoki were of Korean origin.
key words : Nihonshoki, Hwandangogi, heavenly race, Teikan, ancestors god |
Keywords |
Nihonshoki, Hwandangogi, heavenly race, Teikan, ancestors god |
다운로드 |