논문 검색

항목 내 용
제목 [국문]

세조의 上古史書 收書令의 정치적 요인과 함의: 麗末·鮮初 脫華夷 담론의 浮沈


Political Background and Implications of King Sejo's Decree to Collect Ancient Korean History Books: The Rise and Fall of Anti-Sino-centric World View in the Late Koryo and Early Joseon Periods

저자 남창희, 정성찬, 송옥진
Author Nam, Chang-Hee, Jeong, Seong-Chan, Song, Ok-Jin
발행년도 2016
초록 본고는 고려 말 국운이 위기에 처하면서 대두된 對元 자주 외교론이 이암
가문과 선가계 학맥을 통해 조선 초까지 전승되어 세종 대에 자주적인 문자 창제까
지 낳았으나 세조의 계유정난 이후 급속히 위축되어 가는 요인과 그 함의를 고찰하
였다. 세조부터 예종, 성종대까지 조정은 집요하게 고조선과 관련된 민간의 고대사
서를 수거하였다. 수서령의 대상이 된
키워드 화이론, 선가계 사서, 행촌 이암, 세조 수서령, 훈민정음
Abstract The Joseon government, from King Sejo through King Seongjong's reign, kept issuing
court orders to confiscate several specific books pertaining to ancient Korean history.
This paper traces the diplomatic and political background of banning the circulation of
anti-Sino-centric Korean history books among the people. This persistent prohibition
resulted in the evaporation of a self-respectful historical identity among Joseon
intellectuals and commoners. The lack of legitimacy of King Sejo, who forcefully replaced
his nephew's government, resulted in more dependence on Beijing for political support.
Those forbidden history books also carried egalitarian political ideas, which conflicted
with the neo-Confucian court elites who found the notion of class equality dangerous.
Another intriguing finding of this study is that King Sejong internalized the egalitarian
and anti-Sino-centric thoughts by reading those banned history books. King Sejong's
teacher and his own father, King Taejong, also seemed to have studied those books. A
search for a glorious history of Korea had been made possible and soon peaked when the
Mongol's Empire's influence weakened in the late Koryo period. The revitalized, glorious
historical identity and its study was championed and spread by a renowned premier, Yi
Ahm, whose grandson was the closest ally and follower of King Taejong and King Sejong.
This geneological hypothesis is empirically supported by presenting and analyzing key
concepts and ideas shared between those later banned history books and the usage
manual of Hunminjeongeum, the indigenous Korean alphabet. It is noteworthy that even
though Joseon elites accommodated China's suzerainty, the royal family and their hidden
advisors at least tried to preserve an independent and glorious historical identity in the
early days of the Joseon Dynasty.

Keywords: Middle Kingdom complex, Guru-faction Korean history Books, Yi Ahm,
King Sejo's Indigenous Thought Book Collection Order, Hunminjeongeum (the Korean
Keywords Middle Kingdom complex, Guru-faction Korean history Books, Yi Ahm, King Sejo's Indigenous Thought Book Collection Order, Hunminjeongeum (the Korean Alphabet)