논문 검색

[학회지] 세계환단학회지 10권 1호

2023년 (1)
세계환단학회 논문지
번호 제목 저자
1 중국 고대사는 동이족의 역사
The ancient history of China was the history of Dong-y
황순종 3-28
2 환단고기를 통해서 본 대진국 5경의 위치 연구
A Study on the Location of Five Capitals of the Dae Jin Dynasty Through Hwandangogi
윤창열 29-57
3 국강상광개토경평안호태왕비의 신묘년 기록 변증과 천신교경영사상
The Verification on the ShinMyoNean Record registered in the Memorial Stone of KukGangSangGwangGaeToGyong -PyeongAnHoTaeWang the Great and the Managerial Thoughts of ChenShin Religion in KoRea(ex)
이강식 58-125
4 위상수학을 활용한 갑산부 고지도 분석
Topological Method and its Application to the Analysis of the Map of Gabsanbu of Chosun
최규흥, 정택선 126-155
5 Between East and West: Trypillian Culture and Its Place in Civilizational Processes on the Territory
Between East and West: Trypillian Culture and Its Place in Civilizational Processes on the Territory of Eastern Europe (6th-3rd millennium B.C.)
Oleksandr Ishchuk 156-189